Friday, November 12, 2010

Two of Our Most Controversial Parenting Decisions

In the next several blogs (because there is no way I can fit it all into one!) I will be writing about two of what I consider to be our most controversial parenting decisions. I have been hesitating writing about either subject not just because they are controversial, but because there is a lot of hard information that I have encountered. This hard information is not always easy to take and I hate hurting or offending people. However, each subject has become very dear to me and is too important to not write about.

It's not necessarily my wish for everyone to agree with me, or to come to agree with my way of thinking. What I do wish is that people would become informed on these subjects, do their own research, and come to their own decisions and conclusions based on that research and not on hearsay, what doctor's have told you, what you grew up with, or what your family and friends do or tell you to do.

We all (well, hopefully most of us) do what we do because it's what we think is best. For ourselves. For our children. I believe when it comes to our children we have the responsibility to make each decision carefully. And with so many tools and information at our fingertips - (yes, there is a lot of misinformation on the internet, but us "thinking" individuals should be able to recognize "good" sources from "bad" and weed through the misinformation to find the good stuff!) - we have no excuse for not being informed!

Bare with me through these next few blogs. If you don't agree with me, just know that I have no judgement for those around me who live differently than I do and make different decisions than I do. I only hope to have the same respect back.



  1. Dang it Steph!!! Leaving me hanging ;) xoxo

  2. I know... I knew you'd be disappointed ;)

  3. haha! Even if I don't agree with everything I still love reading your stuff!! Oh and..when are you going to become a midwife ;) I just have a feeling you've thought about it...

  4. Thank you :) I love reading yours as well :)

    IF that ever happens, it probably won't be until our kids are much older... I just feel like while they are young, they are my focus. And if I do something as big as becoming a midwife, I definitely want to be able to put all of my best into it. Does that make sense?

    Honestly, at this point, I could see myself becoming a doula rather than a midwife. That could change though :)

  5. I'm eagerly anticipating your posts! :-) I have a feeling they'll be our two most controversial choices too. ;-)

  6. Hi Barbi! Thanks for the comment :) It's so hard writing about this stuff, so I had to take my time and agonize over every word. I think it's so important, but I hate offending anyone. But offensive or not, we have to stand for what we believe, right?

    Anyway .. ask and you shall receive. The first topic has posted!
