Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Drive by Posting - Breastfeeding and Allergies/Sensitivities

Several weeks ago our midwife did some muscle testing on our baby boy. He was 6 weeks old and over the few weeks before our last post-partum visit he had gotten fussy. He would fuss almost every time he was awake. Not cry, not inconsolable. But just not himself.

Through the muscles testing we found that he has a wheat sensitivity.

Unfortunately, I love wheat. I love bread and cakes and everything that has wheat in it. Oh and pizza. I love pizza.

But the comfort of my little boy was by far more important than my love of wheat. So, the next day, I cut it out. Completely. Now we are pretty much 100% wheat free (I say pretty much because I might unknowingly eat some? I'm pretty careful though). Which really means I'm almost 100% gluten free too.

K has improved since I've cut wheat out. Now he only fusses when he is tired pretty much. Or in the car - he doesn't enjoy the car at all.

If you have a "fussy" baby or a "colicky" baby, I would recommend an elimination diet (unless you have access to someone who can do muscle testing). Wheat, dairy, soy, corn, eggs and peanuts are common sensitivities (as well as others). You can go to a bare bones diet for a couple of weeks, then add one back in at a time. If baby becomes fussy, you have likely found your culprit. For more on "elimination diets" you can see this article, or google "elimination diet for breastfeeding".

While it's kind of a pain to change our diets, it's just soooooo good for our babies to breastfeed and is totally worth it. It's only for a short time after all.


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