I am beautiful as I am. I am the shape that was gifted. My breasts are no longer perky and upright like when I was a teenager. My hips are wider than that of a fashion model's. For this I am glad, for these are the signs of a life lived.
~Cindy Olsen, co-owner of The Body Objective
Before my baby girl was born I knew I wanted to breastfeed. There are so many benefits of breastfeeding (which I will list at the end). I knew I wanted to give my child the very best I could before she was ever conceived.
I feel really lucky because I had very few problems with breastfeeding. Baby girl was a natural and we settled into things very easily. I was extremely sore (to the point of tears and wanting to give up) the first two weeks. Knowing she was getting the very best I could give her gave me motivation to keep going.
I really wanted to be sure that we had nursing establised really well before we tried pumping and giving her a bottle. My biggest fear was that she would "forget" how to latch or that she would no longer want to nurse (which can be a problem, see article about "nipple confusion"). Nursing was just so important I didn't want to do anything to jeopardize that. So, we waited until I think 4 or 5 weeks to introduce her to a bottle. My supply was well established at that point and we were very comfortable with nursing.
Well, our little angel baby decided that the bottle was NOT for her. We tried every method, several bottles, pretty much anything we could short of starving her (which may have worked, but we were not willing to try, after all the bottle was for our convenience - not hers. I'm not going to starve my baby for my own convenience). We did get her to take about 1 ounce at a time, sometimes twice a day. Clearly not enough for a meal. (Edited to Add: Later we found out why she would not take a bottle. Google "excess lipase in breastmilk" and look for a future post on this subject).
I decided that it just wasn't that important for us to keep pushing the issue. Sure, it would be nice to delegate a feeding to dad at night. Or leave her with grandma and grandpa knowing that she would eat if she was hungry. But, I'm blessed in that I am able to stay home with her, so a bottle for daycare wasn't necessary. And I truly have grown to love our special quiet time at night, especially since I know it won't last forever (and it gives dad more sleep since he works so hard to let me stay home with her). She can also go longer between feedings now, so we are able to leave for a little while without worrying that she'll starve (I still don't have a great desire to be away from her for long yet..). And now I don't have to worry about weaning her from a bottle or a pacifier (she won't take one of those either!), and she'll have better teeth! (see link to benefits to adults below).
Benefits of Breastfeeding For baby:
(I used mainly one resource as most of the information is not really under debate)
- Breastmilk provides antibodies which leads to healthier babies. Breastmilk also leads to healthier adults.
- Breastmilk has more nutrients that are more easily absorbed and easier to digest for baby than formula.
- Research has shown that breastfed babies have higher IQ's.
- Research has shown that breastfeeding may reduce the incidence of SID's.
For mom:
- Lower rate of certain cancers and osteoporosis.
- Promotes emotional health (ie less postpartum anxiety and depression)
- Promotes postpartum weight loss.
- Costs less to breastfeed.
- It's convenient - always clean, always ready to go. No bottles to make or clean.
- Stimulates "mothering hormones" - prolactin and oxytocin.
This is a quick, easy read that breaks down many more benefits for baby and mom.
Check out http://www.kellymom.com/ - great breastfeeding resource. This is where I go whenever I have had a problem or question.
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