I have to be honest. I am absolutely, 100% in love with holding my little girl. I have been since the first time I held her in my arms. I love holding her, kissing the top of her head, gazing into her eyes. We communicate so much with our eyes. I love babywearing and my homemade moby wrap saved my back when baby was only a couple of months old and not only never wanted to be put down, but wanted to be held only while standing! I love going about my day, getting the cleaning and cooking done with my little girl along for the ride. I love how quickly she falls asleep in her carriers - it let's me know how safe and comfortable she is.
The benefits to babywearing are many! Check out some of them here.
Babies who are worn tend to:

- cry less
- learn more
- more organized
- "humanized" earlier
- smarter!
Daddy wearing baby and doing dishes! BEST HUSBAND EVER!!!!

There are many different types of carriers. Our new favorite is a soft-structured carrier, the Patapum. This easily buckles on and baby can be worn on the front or on your back. It has padded straps and distributes the weight on the shoulders and hips. It's so comfortable and Amalie loves it! This was one of the most affordable SSC's I have found. I purchased ours new for around $60.
For a breakdown and information on all the different types of carriers check out this link.
PLEASE READ THIS ARTICLE!!!! It talks about plagiocephaly, the development of a baby's spine, the benefits of babywearing and so much more. It mentions how forward facing your baby is not a good idea while babywearing, and how the Bjorn (and other "crotch danglers") can cause harm to the baby's hips and spine development (you never want a carrier that positions baby's knees below the butt).
The Bjorn (also the Snugli) is a popular carrier but besides being not great for baby, it also isn't great for the wearer. It puts all the weight on the shoulders and can only be comfortably used while baby is quite small (less than 15 lbs).
After the first few months of baby's life, I was a little worried that all the carrying would slow down her physical progress. Well, I couldn't have been more wrong. She was rolling over by 3 months, crawling at 5 months, standing at 7 months and now at 9 months she is standing unassisted and climbing up AND down the stairs!
She is quite the independent little busy bee.
So leave the bucket (carseat) in the car (where it belongs), leave that bulky stroller in the trunk and enjoy the benefits of wearing your baby!
For more about babywearing and attachment parenting see this site.
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