Monday, September 6, 2010

Breastfeeding in Public (Copy)

This is a hot topic, isn't it?? Many of you may disagree with me on this, and that's ok. We are all entitled to our opinions. And here's mine...

Before I was a mom, I felt a little uncomfortable seeing a woman breastfeeding in public. I wasn't offended, I didn't think it was wrong. It just felt a little weird.

Now, I'm a mom breastfeeding in public. And while I choose to cover up sometimes while in public, I don't think any mom should be made to feel like they have to cover up, or "hide" while feeding their child. Honestly, the older my baby is getting, the more she is HATING to be covered up. She grabs and pulls the cover. It's actually way more of an ordeal trying to stay covered and we bring way more attention to ourselves.

There are laws protecting breastfeeding women, and no one can ask a mom to leave or cover up (lawfully anyway).

Some people actually have asked women to go to the bathroom to feed their children. EW! Would you eat in there??? Why would you want someone's baby to!

And my opinion as someone formerly made uncomfortable seeing a woman breastfeeding - Look away! You don't have to watch. Just look away and let her and her baby eat in peace.

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